Thursday, February 23, 2023

NOTICE: On February 23 and 24, 2023, the Sentencing Commission is holding hearings on proposed amendments to the US Sentencing Guidelines on the topics of: 

  • Reductions in Sentencing/aka Compassionate Release
  • Prohibition of Use of Acquitted Conduct at Sentencing
  • Guidelines for Sex Abuse of a Ward

The hearings will stream live at this link:  two days of hearings 

Written testimony is available at that link also, and Defender witness testimony is also available on the website of Sentencing Resource Counsel, here

There will be additional hearings on March 7 and 8, on Firearms, Fake Pills and the First Step Act-Drug Offenses, Circuit Conflicts, Career Offender, and Criminal History.


Third Circuit Finds Defendant Was Not Seized Where He Briefly Paused and Raised Hands Before Fleeing

In United States v. Amos , ---F. 4th---, 2023 WL 8636910 (3d Cir. Dec. 14, 2023), the Third Circuit affirmed a district court's denial o...